Since August, the news about breast growth in a number of babies in China is increasing. Began to appear similar cases in some provinces such as Wuhan, Guangdong, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangxi, and Beijing. The women who have children under five pairs of women, worry when their children are also exposed to the disease early puberty. From the results of research conducted, the cause breast growth in the number of babies in China, probably derived from the milk powder that has been consumed by the baby.
Milk powder was contained sex hormones that can lead to acceleration of puberty in the baby’s growth. Although the news circulated, China’s health minister has denied a number of rumors. He did not recognize if the baby in his country has been experiencing growth that should be experienced by a teenager. However, recently discovered in a six-month-old baby has undergone puberty and girls at the age of two years. Presumably some of these hormones are gonadotropins and testosterone.
Some experts say if the baby is experiencing puberty was normal and his condition will return after the baby was two years old. Accumulation of these symptoms, among others, give the effect of one between 5,000 and 10,000 babies are characterized by the growth of hair under the armpits and pubic hair and rapid growth. Meanwhile, a study issued by University of North Carolina in 2010 revealed that the girl Kauskasia descent in the U.S. experienced a rapid growth in the age of seven years to 10 years.
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