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Katie Holmes issued front page apology by Star Magazine

Back in January, Star Magazine ran a front page cover story (image below) suggesting that Katie Holmes was a drug addict. The inside story (detailed here if you’re interested) was about how the auditing sessions in Katie and Tom’s Scientology cult could be addicting like drugs. The real details of Scientology’s scary brainwashing practices are more shocking than a drug addiction, but I understand Star going for a bait and switch cover with a more accessible angle. The cult stuff has been covered quite a bit before.
Well “Katie” aka the Sci Goons, sued Star Magazine for $50 million for libel as a result. That was back in early March. Since then, Star canned their editor and it doesn’t seem like a coincidence. Star has now issued a front page apology for insinuating that Katie was addicted to drugs and they’re giving an undisclosed donation to a charity of her choice. I was assuming Katie’s charity would be Scientology-related, but according to Reuters it’s the “Dizzy Feet Foundation,” which Katie co-founded and helps give dance classes to underprivileged youth.
Star Magazine just issued a MASSIVE mea culpa to Katie Holmes — publishing an apology on the COVER of its latest issue … after the tabloid printed a headline suggesting Katie was a drug addict.
Katie filed a $50 million defamation lawsuit against the magazine last month, claiming Star’s January headline — “ADDICTION NIGHTMARE! Katie DRUG SHOCKER! — was “untrue, unethical and unlawful.”
Katie’s rep tells TMZ, the lawsuit is now water under the bridge … that it’s been settled … and Star’s publisher American Media even made a “substantial” donation to Katie’s charity.
As for Star’s in-mag apology — it reads in part, “Star did not intend to suggest that Ms. Holmes was a drug addict or was undergoing treatment for a drug addiction. Star apologizes to Ms. Holmes for any misperception …”
Katie released her own statement today, saying, “I’m pleased that this lawsuit could be resolved amicably and accept American Media’s apology.”


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